Protein diet

Can not imagine myself without meat, but you need to lose a few extra pounds? Protein diet is exactly what you need. This is the optimal system for those who do not want to deny yourself the pleasure of constantly eating meat products, but is willing to give up bad sweets, flour, salted, smoked and pickled.

And here the question arises: "But can you really lose weight by eating mainly foods with high protein content?" Yes, and we will gladly prove it to you.

The essence of the protein diet for weight loss

the essence of the protein diet

Based on what this weight loss program is clear from the title. The main source of energy and the "driving force" in weight loss is protein. Today it is the most gentle and effective system that allows you to lose weight by eating a variety of protein products and not experiencing feelings of hunger and stress. The essence of the method lies in the following points:

  • Use only products with high protein content.
  • A complete rejection of the light hydrocarbon names, products containing sugar.
  • The rejection of foods with harmful fats.
  • Eating unlimited fruit and vegetables, fish, eggs, butter, dairy products with minimal fat content.

When you understand this diet, you will always feel refreshed, satiated, at the same time to lose the extra pounds.

Diet rules on protein

Protein is a basic building material, component, participating in all major processes in the body. If insufficient intake of the substance a person begins to feel discomfort – this weakens the immune system, reduced performance, deteriorating memory, some agencies are beginning to work with violations.

Diet rules on protein

At observance of this diet system protein component comes almost in excess. To benefit from this method of weight loss, not "put" to your body, disrupting metabolism, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

  • Every meal should consist of protein combined with other foods, such as vegetables, yogurt, fruit, etc
  • Daily intake of fat to 30 grams, with an average of 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Should be to minimize the use of "fatty" food. Best of all, if it is olive oil for salad dressing. Mayonnaise should be abandoned completely.
  • Complex carbohydrates in form of cereals can be consumed in the morning. Allowed to eat up to six tablespoons. Prefer rice, buckwheat and oatmeal.
  • When cooking we use vegetables with a small amount of starch – cucumbers, zucchini, lettuce, cabbage, tomatoes, etc
  • Choosing fruit for your menu, prefer sweet and sour apples, citrus, e.g., oranges, grapefruit. Connection to eat in a day to two fruits.
  • Clearly observe the drinking regime. 1 to 2 liters of fluid should be sure to drink throughout the day.
  • The main amount of food crushed 5-6. Last eating several hours before bedtime.
  • During the diet is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, eat sweets and pastries.
  • Experimenting with timing of the diet. Its duration should not exceed two weeks, otherwise you can seriously harm your body.


advantages of diet on proteins

To follow the rules of protein diet is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. This method of weight loss has many advantages, most important among which are:

  • No hunger stress and the constant desire to eat. Protein food is processed by the body very long. In combination with rather large portions it provides a permanent feeling of satiety.
  • A quick weight loss. Just a few days, you can easily lose up to three kilograms of excess weight. If you have enough willpower and strict attitude, the results could be improved two times. If you want to significantly lose weight, opt for a diet designed for two weeks.
  • Long-lasting results. In contrast, the same fasting days on watermelon, protein diet gives lasting results. With the right output you can, at least for a few years to forget about the dropped pounds. Weight will be kept at the desired level.


Disadvantages of the diet on the proteins

But don't forget about some shortcomings of weight loss programs:

  • The lack of sugar. Scarce content of this component leads to depletion of such important substances as glycogen, which focuses directly on the basis of azovy weight. As a result of this deficit gradually dehydration, who loses weight, begins to feel weakness and aches throughout the body.
  • Bad breath. Excessive consumption of protein products leads to a bad smell.
  • The deterioration of the nervous system. If a person initially is the background to these ailments, then over time you may experience depression.
  • Lack of nutrients and minerals. Eating foods which contains more protein, gradually leads to the fact that the body begins to feel the deficiency of vitamins, minerals, macro - and micronutrients. As a result of deteriorating condition of hair, skin, nails.


Despite the simplicity of carrying and wonderful results, caution should be protein diet. There's a whole list of contraindications, the presence of which should choose another option:

  • Anemia.
  • Pathology of the liver.
  • Heart disease in the chronic stage.
  • Diabetes.
  • Gout.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

To unsubscribe from this technique you need people who are concerned with the serious physical exercise.

ViDi protein diet for a week

Types of protein diets for a week

Today, for those that lose weight available as a classic version of protein diet systems, and some species that are relevant in certain situations. Among the most common techniques:

  • A quick diet. It is designed for 3 and 5 days. Nutritionists suggest, as little as possible to lose weight in a similar way, as the body no time to readjust. If you want to quickly unload before or after the holidays, then this option diet is the best fit.
  • For pregnant women. It is a system with a fully balanced diet. The menu is thought over to trifles, includes not only proteins, but also the necessary amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and other nutrients. Sparing diet allows you to "stretch" the time of the to four weeks. In contrast to the fasting day during pregnancy, the best option.
  • Protein-fat. Another option with a balanced diet. In this embodiment, the weight loss allowed to eat small amount of fats. Shown this diet even people who suffer from pancreatitis.

Protein and vegetable diet

Protein and vegetable diet

Diet on the proteins and vegetables – another variation of the basic weight loss program that deserves special attention. It enjoys great popularity among modern girls who dream to lose weight delicious and nutritious. The combination of protein and vegetable component is really perfect and provides excellent results.

According to experienced dieticians, the variety most safe and practically does not cause any harm to the body. The technique: as the name implies, the daily consumption of 200 grams of fish, soft meat and vegetables. Perfect – match pure protein with vegetable days. This way, you will achieve the most tangible results.

The duration of protein-vegetable diet from 5 to 20 days. The diet should consist of the following categories:

  • Fruits – the minimum number.
  • Vegetables can be eaten both fresh and after heat treatment (boiling, baking, steaming, frying).
  • Lean meat or fish.
  • Low-fat milk products.
  • Water, teas, black coffee without added sugar.

On the basis of this list is offered an individual dietary menu.

Protein-carbohydrate diet

Protein-carbohydrate diet

On protein-carbohydrate way to lose weight also comments positively the most slimming. A balanced diet consisting of protein and complex, long lasting carbohydrates, provides quick and easy burning fat without starving stress and nervous exhaustion. Diet menu in this case consists of the following products:

  • Low-fat milk and milk products.
  • Dari sea white fish with low fat content and seafood.
  • Low-fat meat, poultry.
  • Legumes.
  • Eggs.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Pasta durum.
  • Any cereals.
  • Potatoes.
  • Whole wheat bread.
  • Nuts.

When preparing the diet very carefully look at the ones that included food.

Protein diet for 14 days: sample menu

How to make a menu protein diet? The beauty of an approximate diet stems from the fact that in the preparation takes into account not only features of methodology, but also take into account the taste preferences of the person. If you don't know where to start, we suggest the following sample menu for two weeks, which will help to create an ideal diet.

Day Breakfast Lunch Afternoon tea Dinner
1 Eggs vsmyatku Baked chicken Vegetable salad Pork with eggplant
2 Cheese with ham, cucumbers Pumpkin soup Yogurt Grilled salmon
3 Cheese and Apple Chicken breast boiled Yogurt Sea fish fried
4 Scrambled eggs and ham Pork cutlets, vegetable stew Green tea, cheese Zucchini fried
5 Cheesecakes Chicken for a couple Boiled eggs Peppers stuffed with m jar
6 Scrambled eggs with greens Boiled meat and vegetables Yogurt Milk pumpkin porridge
7 Yogurt Salmon soup Green tea, cheese Chicken chops with cheese
8 Cheese and sour cream Soft meat soup with vegetables Yogurt Fish boiled
9 Egg white omelet with cheese Meat with stewed cabbage Yogurt Fish cakes
10 Salad from cucumbers and tomatoes Baked meat with mushrooms and cheese Green tea, cheese Vegetable casserole
11 Boiled eggs, tomato Chicken soup Yogurt Hotpot
12 Yogurt and Apple Boiled chicken, vegetable stew Cheese and sour cream Mackerel baked
13 Protein scrambled eggs, sir Pork chops, vegetable salad Yogurt Fish baked with tomatoes and cheese
14 Cottage cheese casserole Soft meat soup with vegetables Yogurt Chicken braised with onions and tomatoes

Protein diet for weight loss: recipes for the menu

Deciding to get on a high protein diet, many immediately arises the image in my head of a boring Breakfast, lunch and dinner, consisting of dry chicken breast and a few leaves of lettuce. In fact, diet menus can be tasty. Axis some interesting recipes that will take a worthy place on your Desk and will give an incredible taste sensations.

Egg cream soup

Protein diet for weight loss


  • Chicken fillet – 400 grams.
  • Spinach – 400 grams.
  • Eggs – 2 pieces.
  • Skim milk – 150 ml.
  • Spices and salt to taste.


  • Boil meat in water with Bay leaf and your favourite spices.
  • Ready fillet cut into small pieces.
  • In chicken broth cook pre-washed and prepared spinach until fully cooked.
  • Association DOMO in the bowl of a blender broth, spinach, meat, pre-boiled eggs, milk and puree them until smooth.
  • The finished portioned plates and serve, garnished with greens and half quail eggs.
  • A hearty lunch is ready. Bon appetit.

Cheese omelette


  • Cottage cheese – 100 grams.
  • Egg whites – 3 pieces.
  • Green onions – 3 feather.
  • Dill and salt to taste.


  • Whites of eggs slightly, add salt and whisk until the formation of a lush, beautiful foam.
  • Combine the cheese with the dill, sprinkle lightly with salt and whisk in a blender until nice and creamy.
  • Gently, slow movements in one direction entered the cottage cheese into the whites and knead well.
  • The finished dough lay out in a baking dish, sprinkle with finely chopped green onions and bake in the oven until the formation of a pleasant Golden brown.

Curd cheesecake

Curd cheesecake


  • Cheese 0% — 200 grams.
  • Lemon juice – 50 ml.
  • Starch -2 tablespoons (take the corn).
  • Apple – 1 pieces.
  • Proteins – 5 pieces.
  • Yolk – 2 pieces.


  • Apple peeled and grind in a blender.
  • Apple to mass add cheese, citrus juice, starch and yolks. All thoroughly kneaded, processed in a blender.
  • Proteins whisk in a separate bowl until soft peaks form. Carefully enter them in the cheese mass.
  • Spread the mixture in a baking dish, previously moistened with water, and put into the oven for about half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  • Ready cheesecake spread on a beautiful dish and cut into portions pieces. A great diet dessert is ready.

Choice protein diet as a way to lose weight – the perfect solution for any woman. Even if there are any contraindications, you can always choose for themselves the most appropriate option (protein-carbohydrate, Dukan diet, etc.) several varieties of this diet methodology. Let's lose weight delicious – the perfect long-lasting result is guaranteed.